Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Not Myself....Lately

Hey all! I know I haven't been around lately, no we haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I am just finding it really hard to wait for Addison. More the not knowing if we will ever truly receive her referral. Things seem to be changing at the CCAA. And these new changes will only make it harder for us to get HER referral. That doesn't mean we won't ever get a referral, it just may not be this little girl we have fallen in love with. So I guess I am sort of grieving yet trying to remain hopeful. I would rather not be a "wet blanket" here on my little blog. I know any referral we receive will be a HUGE blessing, but my heart isn't really there right now. So I will be back when I am able to be more joyful and positive! And then I will have a huge amount of catching up to do on my favourite blogs I have been missing in my hiatus:0) XOXO


  1. I have been thinking about you throughout all the changes that the CCAA is making... I hope everything works out and that God gives you peace throughout it all!

  2. Praying.....you will find your way to Addison!!!!

  3. Kim,

    I know that God can give you peace beyond our deepest imaginings. Praying for that now.

  4. Kim,

    I am praying for you right now. I have no idea how painful that heartache is when you pray for a child, a child you know is there, a child you're sure is yours.

    Be strong. Keep your faith. God will in return reward you.

    And if you want to read a story, a story that I acually wept over yesterday. A story that made me think, what an amazing God we serve. It's here...


    It is truly moving.

    My heart breaks for yours Kim. I know how much you want this. Truly I do.

    My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

    Hugs, Jill.

  5. Kim,
    We had this happen to us when we began our journey to Russia.It is such a heart wrenching and confusing time. Looking back on it now I understand why it all happened.I have the most wonderful little girl that was meant to be our daughter .Trust in his plan for you.I hope all of your dreams for this sweet little girl come true!



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