Tuesday, January 26, 2010


O.k. I have to admit, I kinda love Coffee! I usually only have 1 maybe 2 cups a day, however I cherish that first cup o joe! So much so that one of my concerns with travelling to China was finding a decent cup of coffee every morning:0) Lame I know! And I have to say Howard is not so much fun to be around when he hasn't had his 2cups in the morning! So I thought that I would bring a french press and a kettle! Crazy I know and talk about heavy with international luggage weight limits. But in the last few months Starbucks came out with instant coffee! All you need is hot water and a cup! Well I am having a cup right now and..... its delish! I think I like it even more than when I make a pot! But not when Howard makes coffee because he makes a mean brew, and there is something special about your hubby making your coffee for you;) So I am now celebrating that I have solved one of our travel dilemma's! such a fickle concern, but for me it was important! Well have a super fabulous day!


  1. Good idea. I might have to try it. The coffee in China was SO bad. We had to drink it and only found a Starbucks twice in our time there. It was rough!

  2. Hehe! I'm not much of a coffee drinker, however I do love my once (or twice) a week Grande Latte from Starbucks. The new VIA isn't too bad.

    I have to tell you though, Starbucks coffee is all over the world, so I don't think you need to sweat it! Oh, and the adenaline you'll have with your new little one in China, you'll be lucky if you're able to sleep! :)


  3. You are very quiet! I hope everything is okay! Just wanted you to know I am thinking about you!



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