Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am so very thankful to God for this boy! This is our Joshy J. Washers. He is such a sweetheart and is one of the most giving people I have ever met!

Josh is all about the FUN! He makes me laugh all the time! And loves to play! Sometimes he forgets about safety or sanity or everything in order to have FUN:0)

When there is a dress up day at school he does it all out! This was Josh in Grade 1 for 100 days of school. This is what he thinks someone who is 100 looks like You can't really see it but he has a hanky in his front pocket because in his words "all old people carry hankies!" :0)

Howard and I are so blessed that God gave us Josh! He is so very precious to us. We know that sometimes it's tough to be the youngest brother, the middle child and to have a brother who's bones break easily and is hospitalized regularly, however Joshy takes this all in stride, he is so helpful when Nathan is hurt, he would give anyone in need the shirt off his back! I love that he is so funny and fun loving and that he love, love, loves Science! He is always informing me about some animal, dinosaur or body part/function:0) We are so proud of him and who he is growing to be! I pray that Howard and I can strive to be the parents he needs us to be that we will always be sensitive to his feelings especially when I have to travel with his brother, without him for medical appointments and he feels left out. And above all else I pray he knows just how very loved he is by us and more importantly God!

1 comment:

  1. You seem to have great kids! And they are certainly very cute kids too. I love that blogging seems to allow to think and focus on what we love about each person in our lives.



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