Sunday, September 27, 2009

How we "found" Addison!

Our first picture of Addison!

You may want to get comfy because this may be a long post! So about a week and a half a go I fell across a website, A family from the states who have adopted several times from China from the waiting child program. They now live in Beijing, China and run a foster home for physically disabled kids (mostly 7 yrs and older) They also run a bakery for the older teens as an income for those kids! It was such an inspiring story! I emailed them to see if we could donate Nathan's old wheelchair as he just got a new one, and we started emailing back and forth. We told the family that we were in the process of adopting from China's waiting child program and were waiting for LID (log in date) and referral. I also told him what special need we felt we were being led to adopt (but were told it would be nearly impossible by our agency. Like a needle in a haystack.) the foster Dad said funny you should email because last week we had a call from Southern China about a baby girl with that exact disability, and the orphanage director has asked if we could help her! It took a couple days, and while we were in Montreal the foster family received her from down south! The orphanage director has said she is more than willing to work with our adoption agency to get her "HOME" So now we are waiting for them to communicate next week! For sure this is out of the norm for adoption, but if this is God's will for our family I believe nothing can stop it! And if this is not the child He has intended for us then the doors will close. Its hard not to be over the moon excited! Apparently this foster home has had several other adoptions take place all of them were the same situation family "found" child on there own! And their agency had the child placed on their private list. Her foster family is so sure that this is our child that they asked us to name her our English name!!!! So we gave her the name Addison Hope! They have sent us daily updates and several pictures, and she will be seeing a world renowned orthopedic surgeon in November! Also her first birthday is on Tuesday Sept 29th so we are sending out a package for her with some people that the foster family knows from the states that will be staying with them for a short term missions trip! She is absolutely beautiful! And they say she is a happy baby that sleeps through the night! So here is her picture, please pray for our family and sweet little Addison that her paperwork will appear on our agencies(F.O.I.) private list quickly and that she will remain healthy and happy. Enjoy the picture. Here is a link to the foster homes website Check it out if you get a chance the video is very inspiring!


  1. Hi Kim,
    What an incredible journey....I hope you hear something soon.


  2. This is an amazing journey. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing the way God is leading you to your daughter. I hope the wait will be short!

  3. Congrats! We are adopting from sn China as well and are right behind you in the process. That is wonderful news that you have found your daughter!

  4. Oh my goodness, goosebumps. I just went back and reread the story of Addison Hope.

    What a great God we have! I have never ever heard of something like this happen before.


    Jill xx

  5. Btw, what a beauty! She is gorgeous!



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