Saturday, September 11, 2010

Quiet Time

Howard and all of the kids have stepped out for about an hour.....and I get some quiet time! I love,love,love being a mom, I like being busy with the day to day, ins and outs of a family of six. However a little bit of Mom quiet time is so sweet!

I have totally neglected my little blog and I am bummed, because we have had alot of first going on around here and I wanted to document them. I am hoping I will become a little more regular with the blog posts!

Our family is hosting the Autumn Moon Festival dinner at our house this year. I think we will have about 21 people coming for dinner and fellowship. 13 of those people being children! I have decided to do this as a potluck, each of the families will bring two "Chinese" dishes. I am in the process of learning how to make the perfect dumpling.....they never look as good as the ones we tried in China, although I think I have found a filling we really like! Also last year we made thumbprint cookies instead of mooncakes....because mooncakes aren't the tastiest confection! The cookies were a hit, and very easy to make and easy is important when you are entertaining 21 people! I think this should be a blast, and hopefully it will become a tradition for all of our families.

Things are going along well, Addison is falling into a nice school routine. Although she was quite miffed that there wasn't a cubby and shoes for her at Kindergarten!!! She kept frowning, with her arms crossed and stomping her foot! It took all my self discipline not to laugh at her :) She is doing really well and the last two times she has woken from a nap she hasn't cried!!! She just called out for me, with a big smile on her face. Its so nice to see her becoming more relaxed as each day passes!

Well the troops are home, time to go!


  1. What an awesome capture of your beautiful Addison girl. I would probably have snorted out laughing, she is too funny! Good news she is waking up without crying, that's a big big step for your brave girl.

    Yes indeed, you need to get back to blogging, I miss your frequent posts.


  2. Such a cute picture! I am glad things are going so well and you are getting into a good routine.



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