Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let's Start at the Beginning!

I guess I should start at the beginning. We have been tossing the idea of adoption around for many years, but never really followed through. I think because we were scared of all the "what ifs" Since Feb this year the feeling that we were being led to adopt was overwhelming. It was taking up my every waking thought and even in my dreams! So finally after a lot of discussion and prayer we have taken the steps do what we believe we have been called to do! We will be adopting from the waiting child program in China. This means we are seeking out a child that has some sort of physical special need. This also means our wait will be less then going the NSN (non special needs route) In the last couple of days we were looking at some lists and found a one year old little girl in China who was burnt in a fire and has had surgery and healing well with little scarring. She will be available to adopt in a few short months. I have told our agency we are interested in her and we are hoping they can help us locate her. We are praying that when she is available to adopt we will have all our paperwork ready for her and we can lock her in and then she will be ours!Adoptions don't usually work this way but if this is the child for us I will trust that the right doors will be opened; if not then there is another little girl in China that is ours either waiting for us, or she may not even be born yet! So at this point I will remain Apprehensively Excited! Well I found this poem posted on another blog and loved it so I thought I would post it.

Every call has a beginning
A quiet moment when God
whispers a promise to a mother's heart
A holy place where a father bows and faithfully accepts
the journey set before him.
A miraculous morning that unexpectedly dawns.....
Casting its first light on a chosen threshold.
A gentle knock... a closed door opens.
A sacred invitation sent by the Father..
Leads to the other side of the world.
Where lonely hearts stare out orphanage windows.
Praying for someone to care...
and then one morning,
On an ordinary day
An orphans life is changed...
God sends them a second chance.... Through you...

Author Unknown

Have super wonderful day!


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