Friday, April 24, 2009

Sometimes Miracles Happen.... Right?

Well I got some news about the little girl we were hoping to adopt and it looks like it would take a miracle for us to ever have her in our arms! I am dissapointed but also believe that there is a little girl for us in China and she is perfect for our family! I am also still trying to remain hopeful we will witness a miracle and this little girl will become ours! However I must remain realistic and prepare for a LONG wait for the little one we will be matched with! Its kinda crazy what we are doing .There are so many unknowns with international adoption, and since I really enjoy having some sort of control I feel a little unerved! We start our homestudy next week and have to "decide" what "special needs" will be äcceptable" and what we couldn't manage! CRAZY!!! How does one decide this? I know that had Howard and I known Nathan had osteogensis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) we would have never thought we could handle all the complications he has been through. Yet here we are thriving and Nathan has been one of the biggest blessings in our lives! And we couldn't imagine life without him! So how does one decide? We also have to decide what age is the oldest we would be willing to consider! I think this whole journey is going to be a huge lesson in faith and trusting that God has good plans for us! Also wait for it.... I am not in control!!!! Hahaha! We hope you will pray that God would open the doors that are meant to be open and close the ones that are meant to be closed. Also for peace and wisdom for Howard and I as we make these "crazy"decisions on what baby would "fit" our family best! We take our international adoption course this weekend. On Sunday I will start getting the paperwork for our dossier to China together! I cannot wait in as little as 6 months or as long as a year we will be posting pictures of our little Addison on this blog! Who knows maybe she was born today! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Here are some pictures of 3 of our miracles!

God Bless


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