Thursday, April 22, 2010

Finally....Here She Is!

Here she is..... our newest little Mervyn!
Guoying Wu ( Addison Hope Guoying)
Born April 9,2008
Wuhan, Hubei
We just sent out our LOI (letter of intention to adopt) So now we wait for a letter of approval (LOA) from China and then TA (travel approval) and then we fly to China a get our girl:0)
I have this silly song in my head from Nihao Kailan "were going to China, were going to China...I feel so happy..." Hahaha Riley loves it when I sing the song to her:0)
What a crazy day we had yesterday... I was already overbooked:0) ( Isn't that how it always works!) We had heard the new list was coming out on the 21st (China time) so I figured if we were to get a call it would be first thing in the morning.....boy was I wrong! I had a day full of running around like a chicken with my head chopped off:0) When I ran home to drop off a few things before I picked the boys up from school I almost didn't answer the phone, I really did consider it, thinking I would be late..... well I was late because it was our referral! I was so may have been one of the few times I was actually speechless!lol! So I ran to get the kids, and then phoned Howard from home and then finally was able to open my email which contained, all of our sweet little ones info a pictures:0) Oh did I mention we had to leave a few minutes later as I was serving at the church!!! I can not remember one conversation I had that evening as all I could thing about was getting home and seeing that sweet little face again! So I apologize to anyone who thought I was off on Wednesday night....I was off! I am writing this and I know the story sounds silly an meaningless but I want to remember that day, I want to read this later and laugh at how crazy, wonderful, blessed and scary that day was:0) I now have a million and one things to do before we go. Anyone have a great packing list!?!
The kids are excited, but are more concerned with who will be hanging with them when Howard and I go to China! Each one has there own idea on who would be best:0) Riley is concerned that Addison has "boy clothes" on!!!! And should we send them a note to let them know that Addie is a girl!!! I almost peed myself laughing when she said that! Josh likes that she has a birthmark like the one he had when he was a baby! And Nathan well he thinks its "cool"! (11 yr old indifference!)
As much as I am excited I feel like I am in shock a little. I am sure that will pass soon. We spoke to Dr Baxter (international adoption specialist) this evening and everything seems to look positive with Addison. I was concerned with keeping the name Addison....but Howard was adamant about it. Since he is rarely opinionated about things, I agreed with him. He felt that our little girl that came home from China was always meant to be Addison. I feel utterly and truly blessed that God would entrust this amazing wonderful little girl to our care! And trusted Him even when we thought things had all fallen apart a couple months ago, we trusted that He would place the child that was always meant to be in our home.
Many, O Lord my God,
are the wonders you have done.
The things you have planned for us
no one can recount to you;
were I to speak and tell of them,
they would be too many to declare. ~Psalm 40:5~
I read this verse this morning and that is exactly how I feel. I can't put into words all the amazing and wonderful things God has blessed my family with. All I can feel is humbled, amazed and last but not least THANKFUL!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS....she is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! And what a smile! WOW!

    I am crying tears of happiness for you here. And you sound like any other mother that just got her referral, over-the-moon crazy silly happy. I sounded just like you did here and it is a wonderful thing to remember, but believe me, you'll never forget this day with all it's sweet emotions. :)

    Gosh, this IS your little Addy and I cannot wait to see her in your arms.

    I have to say this again, she's beautiful, and what a precious well-cared-for little face!


  2. She is beautiful. Congratulations! You will always remember this day and this feeling of chaos is going to last until you travel to get her, as there are so many things to do and prepare for.

    She is the one meant to be apart of your family! God leads us to our children in many different ways (why sometimes is has to be a rough and painful journey - I don't know) and the journey makes it all that much sweeter in the end.

    Let me know if you have any questions about packing.... You will love China, a most amazing country!

    I am so excited for you all! You will have to tell us more about her...

  3. She is beautiful!!!!!! I am so excited for you! We too are waiting for the infamous LOA!!!!!
    When we sent photos of Ava from Russia ,to my son Jake ,of his new sister he said I thought we were getting a girl!!!! So funny!
    She is darling and I love that you are keeping the name Addison!!!!! Love it!She is the Addision that God had planned for you all along!

  4. She is absolutely delightful! For *this* child I have prayed...
    Nothing is a surprise to Him and now is the time for reckless rejoicing!
    I'm so pleased to be able to follow along on your journey! :)

  5. She is so beautiful......CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

  6. Sorry I haven't posted many comments.. I have been following though! This is so exciting!!! Congrats!



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