Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday and I have spent this Passion Week reflecting on what it is that God did for us through Jesus. Usually we see these "pretty" pictures of a beautiful Jesus on a cross. Well it wasn't pretty what he went through for us..... I think we forget or take for granted that what Jesus went through for us was the ultimate act of love. He was betrayed by one of his best friends, and then was beaten so badly that by all accounts his organs should have been visible (the beating probably should have killed him) the Romans tried to humiliate him with his crown of thorns, and then finally after all these atrocities he had spikes driven through his wrists and feet on a cross. And then he took all of our sins past, present and future on himself.... Jesus the man who when he walked this earth never ever sinned. God forsook his one and only son so that we the imperfect people of this world could never feel what its like to be truly forsaken by God, have a choice of a relationship with him and a chance of eternal life with him in heaven! Even those of us who don't believe have never known what its like to be truly and wholly forsaken by God. Every good and wonderful gift we have received is from him, the fact we are breathing right now is a gift from him. So I reflect on what Jesus did and the pain he felt for me, and I am humbled and amazed and Thank you hardly seems adequate. This week I have learned through quiet time, prayer,and a couple amazing messages that God is GOOD! Like crazy good. I knew that, but did I truly believe it? Even in the "dark times" We have all had those dark times. But in this time of reflection I think for me I truly believed that God is good and that he is truly for me! That now when I am in the dark that instead of asking why? I will choose to ask what? What, God do you want me to do with this? How can I use this pain for your glory? What is your plan for me? I think for me that is the only way for me to "carry my cross" to show my gratitude for Jesus sacrifice for me.... I know I can never earn what he did for me, but I know I can choose for my pain and sorrow to stunt me and my growth and affect others negatively in my life; or I can choose to allow God to use it for good. So I hope that the latter is what I will choose each morning when I wake up. I know I am not very eloquent in my writing but I am truly passionate that people get this! I watched an amazing message on Life Church's website and would encourage anyone who needs some encouragement to check out their site Pastor Craig Groeschel is an amazing speaker. The message I am talking about is called Red Letter Day and it is message number 1 in the series. Anyways I hope you and your family's have a wonderful Easter weekend!


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