Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A great cookbook for busy families.

Hmmmm....... we have been busy, doing what? I'm not really sure. Just the regular stuff kids to school, kids club, play dates, etc, etc, etc. Nothing really exciting, just regular life. Nathan and Josh had report cards and parent teacher interviews both our boys are doing well and have wonderful teachers. Riley is still loving preschool. Howard will be working away from home starting next Tuesday for 10 days and then will be home for4 days, neither one of us are very happy about that situation as it may last upwards of 6 months! So I have been praying that God will provide Howard with a different opportunity where he can still be fulfilled and challenged and paid well but be home every night and on weekends. We are thankful he has work that he loves and pays well, however we both acknowledge him living away is not healthy for our young family. I trust that God will provide us with what our family needs, and I will work at being content in all things:)

On a lighter note one of my dear friends T and I got together for a cooking marathon. I found this awesome cookbook called "Fix, Freeze, Feast" the whole theory is cook in bulk and freeze the meals, so they will be ready for busy weeknights. So my friend and I each chose 2 recipes and doubled them and we both walked away with 12 meals!! All made from scratch not a thing was from a can! We made beef fajitas, bourbon bbq chicken breasts, honey glazed chicken, and salisbury meatballs. The bonus was we got to hang out for the day and cook & visit! My friend T has some pictures of us with our treasured meals, I will have to get her to email me a pict and I will post it! I must admit we were quite proud of ourselves:) And the meals are delicious.

I have to admit I have been a little discouraged with the adoption progress. We haven't had much news lately, as they have been really busy at the foster home. I know that the bumbo chair made it to Beijing and is waiting for Keith to pick it up. I am so thankful for the family who brought it over for Addie. Also the orthopedic surgeon took a look at Addison and she looks really good no sign of hip issues or scoliosis, which is great! She will start an IV treatment called Pamidronate soon, this medication will help strengthen her bones and take away alot of the bone pain she has. Our eldest son Nathan has been on this medication since he was 3 mos old and it has changed his quality of life significantly, we were told by specialists that he would never sit up, walk or run. All of which Nate is able to do thanks in part to this medication Pamidronate. So needless to say we are quite excited to hear Addie will be receiving this med while in China! Now that I read this we have much to be thankful for! I just find that I have been "missing" her! Is that even possible? I don't even know her! I find it discouraging to think we are missing out on seeing her sit up for the first time and rollover etc. I guess that is my own selfishness. I just want to be able to hold her and hug her, and be there for her first treatment to comfort her when the nurses have to stick her with an IV needle. I love her and to think that we don't have an official referral yet is frustrating! Our agency says it looks good, 98% she will be ours, but in the back of my mind I still think theres a 2% chance things could go the other way. What this tells me is I need to put my trust in God and stop trying to take control of these circumstances! I need to learn patience, have more Faith, and trust that His ways are perfect!

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:30-31

So as you can see nothing major this week thus far. I am certainly in need of some quiet time and prayer to get my thoughts back on track! I am looking forward to the next few days! Tomorrow night we have a women's banquet and fashion show at our church, its always a fun bring a friend event! The kids are all having sleepovers! And Howard's and my 11th anniversary is on Saturday! Hard to believe its been 11 years already, it seems like it was just yesterday! Although when I looked at our wedding pictures the other day I couldn't get over how young we were! I'm hoping to make a nice dinner and celebrate with some friends and the kids. Looks like we have a fun weekend in store! Hope the rest of your week is fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. I have also done the bulk meal thing with friends and it was awesome to just be able to pull something out of the freezer and not think about it. Have a happy anniversary this weekend! Be patient on the adoption process.... this is the hardest part.... waiting, but it is worth it.



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