Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Week In A Nutshell.

What a week! We were quite busy around here with some of us getting over the flu and Halloween festivities, we were on the go! Nathan and Josh seem to be improving from their bouts with the flu. Riley had her first Halloween party at preschool, boy has our girl come out of her shell! She is now making friends and had a blast! What a relief to see her doing so well. Both of the boys had parties on Friday at school, they both insisted on bringing pumpkin triffle so the pictures I added are them making the triffle. Howard is busy working his 10 days on, so we don't see much of him, however Friday will be here soon enough and then he will be off for 4 days! Hurray! I have been quite busy as I am now overseeing our small group ministry at church, I am really excited and have dove in head first as today was the first day of a huge campaign and study, we have started church wide called "Fearless" based on Max Lucado's new book with the same title. I am really passionate about the people of our church getting connected in small groups. Also what this study could do for the people of our church and community!

Saturday was a great day the kids and I hung out at home and got ready for trick or treating. We had some dear friends of ours come over for nachos and finger foods and then the Dad's took the kids out trick or treating! Yay for Dad's! The kids had fun and hauled in the candy, and I think we adults also had fun visiting, and "sorting"through the candy bags :)

On the adoption front not alot to report, which is very frustrating! Addison is doing well, she will be seeing an orthopedic surgeon from the Chicago Shriners Hospital next week. He is in Bejing doing some training with the doctors out there. Her foster Dad Keith hopes to hear from the orphanage director next week, so they can take her in for her adoption physical. That would be great news and quicker than Howard and I expected. We were able to find a lovely family travelling early in November that was willing to carry Addie's Bumbo chair out to her in Bejing, we are so very greatful to them!

Well that was our week in a nutshell. Hope you all have a wonderful week this week!

1 comment:

  1. That dessert looks YUMMY! :)

    Praying for your little one that she gets seen by the doctor and you hear more soon. The waiting is so hard.

    Jill xx



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