Saturday, November 7, 2009

Olympic Torch and Great Days Off!

These last 2 days have been so wonderful. The Olympic torch came through our community, and the boys school decided to walk down to see it. Nathan's teacher and I were not too sure how the trails would be for Nate's wheelchair, as we just had snow before Halloween. So Howard and I decided we would take him ourselves. His aid offered to come with us to help out, which was awesome as she had Nate, I had Josh and Howard had Riley.I even got a little emotional when the torch went by!!! Not quite sure why.... but, whatever!
Also yesterday Nathan went to a birthday party it was a pool party and sleepover. Not a big deal, however we have never met the parents before, and we have a rule that no play dates, sleepovers, etc. unless we have met the parents. We did however decide to let Nathan go for the evening and picked him up at 9PM. I don't usually get anxious when he is on a "play date" however I usually know the parents quite well. So needless to say every time the phone rang last night I was a little jumpy. His right leg has been bugging him since he had a fall last weekend, and he has had a hard time walking since then.(Nate has brittle bone disease for those of you wondering why I am being neurotic:)) I don't believe its a fracture, but with him you never know! Josh and Riley both had friends over for the evening and we had a Chinese food feast and a "fancy"dessert! My kids think the cream puffs from Costco are super fancy!?! It was a fun evening for all of us and everyone was safe.Phew!!!
This morning was one of those awesome lazy, read the newspaper, build Lego, make a second pot of coffee mornings. We finally got on with our day around 10:30!!! We collectively agreed that today would be a great day to hang our outdoor Christmas lights. Yes I know some of you are thinking its way too early! However in our neck of the woods it could be -30 next week with 3 feet of snow!!! (I just looked at forecast and its suppose to get really warm next week! DOH!) Anyhoo they are done! Yay! We also made the yummiest ribs ever and a batch of cookies, even the kids rooms got cleaned! WooHoo! We all had fun actually, I think because we all worked together. Howard still has 2 days off. Tomorrow we will be off to church in the morning and who knows what in the afternoon? Monday I believe Howard has plans to go Moose hunting as his tag opened last weekend, and then he will be back to 10 more days of work, and I will start counting down until his next 4 days off:)
On the adoption front we haven't heard anything from China or our adoption agency. So we are sitting and waiting. I know the foster home was a buzz as they had a group doing a short term mission with them. Also the orthopedic surgeon from Shriners hospital in Chicago was with them. So I suspect they are very busy. I believe the birthday package we had sent for Addie was arriving with this group! I can't wait to hear if the outfits were the right size and if she liked the toys! I am also very curious to hear what the Doctor had to say about Addison's condition. Its funny I feel like I miss her.....yet I have never even met her! As much as I feel impatient and want things to speed up, I still know that God's timing is perfect! And trust his plan for our lives.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." ~Isaiah 30:21~

Howard hanging the Christmas lights!

Josh and Nathan with the Olympic Torch! (lighting wasn't so great for the picture)

The Flame running past us!

Finally I missed days 5 & 6 of what I am Thankful for! I think I may update once a week on my Thanks as its hard to get time everday of the week to blog it!
Day5 Thanks~ I am so very thankful for the wonderful children I have been blessed with! I pray everyday that I will be the Mother they need me to be. I never dreamed I would have three children let alone be adopting our 4th from China! I can't even put it into words what an honor it is to be my kids Mom!
Day6 Thanks~ I am thankful that I am able to stay at home with my children. I know there are many Mom's out there that HAVE to work, and would give their left arm to be at home with there kids. When Howard and I started out as a young couple I never dreamed we would have the luxury of having a parent home fulltime......yet here we are! I treat being a stay at home mom as a huge gift for me and my kids!


  1. Perfect song you added and I love the verse. Aren't these the best kind of weekends? Lazy, but getting things done, spending time with family!

  2. No luck with the website you told me about. I think we will go the regular route and see what God has in store for us.

  3. Kim!!! What a sweet surprise to see a comment from you on, what I like to call, my "blah." I love how God connects His people. I don't do a lot of blog reading but when I saw yours, it just stopped me in my tracks. God is soooo good. As another China family, there is soooo much in my heart I want to share about "that" journey. The ultimate journey of FAITH and perserverence. Blessings Kim!

  4. Hey Kim! My name is Dana Busby, and I'm a member of the OI Parents group and decided to come check out your blog. I'm a blogger too, so love to see others! Just wanted to let you know to get in touch with Anna Chin on the Parents list. I can't remember is she is in Korea or China, but I think China. She has a son, Jiho, with OI. She may be a big help to you over there with getting things to Addison, etc. Also, I'm so horrible with geography, but Rachel Teo is in Singapore and has a daughter with OI. She may be of help as well. She is a doctor, too, so that could be helpful as well? Anyway, you should be able to just look up members and find them! I have a friend who adopted a daughter from Beijing earlier this year and it was a long journey, but Hattie is amazing and flourishing so well now that she is here! I'm SO happy that Addison will join your family soon and excited that she will come to an experienced family who will know how to help her reach her full potential!! She's gorgeous!!



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