Thursday, October 21, 2010

Grandma's Visit

My Mom was here to visit for a few days, now that they are living in FSJ for the year they are only 2 hours away! So we will be enjoying monthly visits from my Mom and hopefully my Dad. Although he is very busy with the shut down at Canfor.
Anyways I was really happy to see my Mom, because I struggle with my weight....I have since I had Nathan, and for some reason I have totally fallen off the wagon! Its not that I don't know how to eat clean and exercise. I truly do, and had excellent examples of a healthy lifestyle growing up. There is just some disconnect for me.....maybe I feel like its too much trouble to look after myself, although typing that makes me shake my head! So my Mom helped me to really get back on track! I have been back to the eating clean for the last 5 days, and I am starting to feel a little better. Also while my Mom was here we made sure we got out for some cardio exercise everyday. The pictures below are from one of our walks. As you can see it has gotten cold here. It was -4 yesterday morning and we had to bundle Addy up in her snowsuit. She was still cold! Poor little girl....this weather is nothing compared to January weather!

Grandma and her girls! Both Riley and Addison love my Mom! They love the extra time she has for them. I think that is the special thing about Grandparents, they get what is really important, and have the time to really pour into their grandchildren. I know my Grandma's were the same way with me as my Mom is with my girls. Grandma's and Grand daughter's there is just some very special bond.

Haha! You can see that we live in a new neighborhood! Our neighbors haven't sodded their yard yet!

Also this week I started on the 2nd chapter of a book that a group of ladies and I are getting together to chat about every Thursday morning. Today there were 4 of us, and it was really good for me! The book is one I have read before and blogged about it is called Waking the Dead by John Eldridge. I think all of us this morning had some "aha" moments! And I came to realize how passionate I am about other believers taking the time to feed their souls through God's word. So that they can live more fully for the Lord, and in turn feed and lead others to Christ. I am so blessed to have some wonderful women who are also passionate about the Lord in my life to support and encourage me. Right now I am unable to fully be "there" for our church services, because I have the cutest 2 year old to ease into her new life. We still attend every Sunday, however I am not getting much from the message. With this in mind I have come to realize how important it is for me to take responsibility for my own spiritual growth, with quiet time, reading my bible, prayer, book studies and service. I am just so grateful to have other women to encourage and hold me accountable!
The kids are all doing well. Addison's English and understanding of the English language astounds me almost daily. I can truly say I almost forget what life without her was like. She brings such laughter, joy and a lightness to our family, how did we survive without this? I haven't seen her be overly aggressive in quite some time, which is huge! Espically for Riley! She is counting to 10 in English and knows many of her body parts. Addy's appetite is what I would consider normal. She eats almost everything put in front of her and knows to stop when she is full. Things feel so "normal" sometimes I forget she was only adopted into our family 3 months ago! Riley is getting use to having a little sister, I think she was always meant to be an older sibling, as she is certainly a nurturer. She loves going to Kindergarten and learning, although she is very tired the rest of the week! Joshua is enjoying school. He is still struggling with his language arts skills, and that is hard for a Mom to deal with. I feel like we have tried everything! He excels in Math and Science, but Reading is just tough for him! This year we are really focusing on Joshua's organizational skills. What was that? Did I hear you more experienced Mom's laughing at me? I know it maybe a battle that I won't win, but I want to at least help him with those skills :) Nathan is liking school. He seems to be doing well in most of his subjects. Nathan won the position of Vice President of his student council for the whole elementary school. He has been busy with preparing a PowerPoint presentation on the schools world vision sponsor child and planning various fundraisers and schools activities. I am really proud of him! This is something he can really do, and not be held back because of his disability! He is a gifted encourager and leader, and does a great job of public speaking.
Well my short little post became a novel! I have missed blogging! And following the other blogs that I so love. We have a busy next couple weeks coming up. Howard maybe looking at some changes at work, I am overseeing a 3-6yr old Harvest Party at our church, a trip to my sisters (hopefully) and many kids activities. I will really work at keeping my lil blog updated :0)


  1. I am glad you are still blogging... I love to hear what is up and to see the photos.

    Grandmas are very special, maybe it has something to do with a lot of spoiling and little discipline?!

    I still need to read that book!

  2. MINUS 4. Okay, I just got stuck on that, but BRRRRRRR! Eek. My daughter might be, but I am not ready for winter! Btw, Lilah is always cold too, when it's cold outside, no matter how much clothes she is wearing. And also when she gets wet in the summer, it's hard for her to warm up. Maybe Addy is similiar.

    Can I just mention how young and amazing your Mum looks, wow! So happy you are feeling good about yourself and she is helping you. I know myself since I've been staying at home with Lilah (2 years almost), I do not do nearly enough cardio exercise, or any exercise for that matter. Well, other than the running-after-your-child exercise and to be quite honest, she trikes fast enough now that I do actually have to run alongside her! Lol!

    Nathan sounds like such an amazing child. I was reading with so much awe. He is an incrdible child, well all your children are, but he was given an amazing gift. And Addy is counting to 10 already? Seriously, she is only home 3 months! She is smart. I think it is obvious she is surrounded by siblings - they learn so much from each other, which is fabulous. She really looks so happy and content. And I love Riley's little rosy cheeks!

    My comment turned into a novel too!! :)




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