Thursday, October 28, 2010

X ray Results

I have never been so happy to hear that Nathan has another fracture! Yep, Nate some how fractured his femur quite high up near his hip, however it didn't break all the way through the bone just part way, to where his rod is. The rod doesn't appear to be shifting (Yay!) Our Nate boy will have to take it easy for at least a week, and then we will have him Xrayed again. The rod is doing its job, so we don't really need to immobilize it......not sure how trick or treating will go? As long as it doesn't rain he could ride in his wheelchair. So we will hope for NO SNOW :) I am so very, very thankful that this wasn't something more serious! I didn't even want to imagine how we would cope with him having surgery, as Nate's surgeon is across the country in Montreal! There is no way we could bring all the kids, and finding childcare for 3 kids for 3 weeks is a little daunting to say the least! Thank the Lord this is nothing I need to think about right now :) Also I am so ridiculously grateful for my dear friend Trina, she took my girls twice in the last 3 days so I could focus on Nathan and his appointments. This was the first time I have left Addison with someone, and it all worked out well! Yay! Thanks Trina for being such a wonderful, special, amazing friend!


  1. So glad to hear it isn't too serious! And it is suppose to be +10 for Halloween (you're not that far from me!), that is if we can trust the weatherman to be right.

  2. Oh, sigh of relief. That is wonderful news. Well, still painful. But I'm glad it wasn't the alternative.




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